Shine On Success

Affluence to Awareness: Journey of Transformation from Finance to Fulfillment

January 22, 2024 Dionne Malush Season 1 Episode 6
Affluence to Awareness: Journey of Transformation from Finance to Fulfillment
Shine On Success
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Shine On Success
Affluence to Awareness: Journey of Transformation from Finance to Fulfillment
Jan 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Dionne Malush

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When life's pivots leave us on uncharted paths, how do we find balance and redefine success? Rafi Shaik of Peaceful Advisor Lifestyle Coaching joins us to share his intimate journey from the world of wealth advising to the heart-centered practice of life coaching. Wrapped in vulnerability, our conversation meanders through the emotional landscape of personal tragedies, including Rafi's navigation through the loss of his father to COVID-19 and his own foray into fatherhood. In this moving narrative, clear goal-setting emerges as a beacon, guiding us toward a version of success that celebrates personal satisfaction as much as professional accomplishment.

Books often hold the keys to unlocking our potential, a sentiment Rafi and I wholeheartedly endorse. We traverse the profound impact of literature on our lives, marveling at the transformative power of books like "Think and Grow Rich" and the timeless wisdom of Napoleon Hill. The chat unfolds to reveal how touching a single life each day can ripple into a legacy of change, a testament to the profound influence of imparting genuine value in work and relationships. Prepare to be touched by stories of personal growth and the unyielding belief that the knowledge we share today can elevate generations to come.

Our finale is a testament to the boundless possibilities that continuous learning and manifestation have to offer. We're graced with insights from a quinquelingual guest whose thirst for knowledge spans disciplines from engineering to international business. The discourse flows into the realms of mental rehearsal and positive thinking, where the seeds of our deepest desires can take root in reality. As Rafi's story of transformation gracefully concludes our session, we're reminded that success is a rich tapestry woven with threads of joy, fulfillment, and an unwavering zest for life. Join us on this enlightening excursion and see where it might lead you on your own path to success.

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Connect with Dionne Malush

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When life's pivots leave us on uncharted paths, how do we find balance and redefine success? Rafi Shaik of Peaceful Advisor Lifestyle Coaching joins us to share his intimate journey from the world of wealth advising to the heart-centered practice of life coaching. Wrapped in vulnerability, our conversation meanders through the emotional landscape of personal tragedies, including Rafi's navigation through the loss of his father to COVID-19 and his own foray into fatherhood. In this moving narrative, clear goal-setting emerges as a beacon, guiding us toward a version of success that celebrates personal satisfaction as much as professional accomplishment.

Books often hold the keys to unlocking our potential, a sentiment Rafi and I wholeheartedly endorse. We traverse the profound impact of literature on our lives, marveling at the transformative power of books like "Think and Grow Rich" and the timeless wisdom of Napoleon Hill. The chat unfolds to reveal how touching a single life each day can ripple into a legacy of change, a testament to the profound influence of imparting genuine value in work and relationships. Prepare to be touched by stories of personal growth and the unyielding belief that the knowledge we share today can elevate generations to come.

Our finale is a testament to the boundless possibilities that continuous learning and manifestation have to offer. We're graced with insights from a quinquelingual guest whose thirst for knowledge spans disciplines from engineering to international business. The discourse flows into the realms of mental rehearsal and positive thinking, where the seeds of our deepest desires can take root in reality. As Rafi's story of transformation gracefully concludes our session, we're reminded that success is a rich tapestry woven with threads of joy, fulfillment, and an unwavering zest for life. Join us on this enlightening excursion and see where it might lead you on your own path to success.

Connect with Dionne Malush

Connect with Dionne Malush

Speaker 1:

In today's enlightening episode of Shine On Success. This is your host, deon Malish, and we'll be talking with Rafi Sheikh, kind of like milkshake, the founder of peaceful advisor lifestyle coaching. His story, a Testament to the Power of Vision, determination and Balance, echoes the timeless wisdom of Napoleon Hill. He will show us, he will share with us, invaluable insights on setting clear goals, overcoming challenges and maintaining a harmonious work-life balance, reminding us that true success is not just about financial gains, but also about finding peace and fulfillment. His approach to adding value and continuous learning is a blueprint for anyone seeking to redefine their professional and personal lives. So hello, how are you doing today?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing great. How about you, deon?

Speaker 1:

I'm doing good, I'm so excited to have you on the show today, and I have some questions for you. So are you ready?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely, it's my pleasure. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me on the show.

Speaker 1:

So let's start at the beginning with the vision and goals. How did setting clear goals help you shift from wealth advising to creating peaceful advisor, lifestyle coaching?

Speaker 2:

It all started on my own personal journey that embarked on a few months ago. Not to this and far I was. I got involved in some mental health issues and some physical health issues and some personal loss. You would understand. I lost my dad to COVID as well in 2020, like a lot of other people, I couldn't even attend his funeral. That was the worst part of it.

Speaker 1:

I'm so sorry about that. I am so devastated over my dad. I can't imagine not being with him at the end. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. And I became the dad at the same time. First time dad. It was like all sorts of mixed feelings and I was very successful. I was one of the job advisors in the country Wow, and I'm from Canada.

Speaker 1:

You are. I love Canada. That's where I got married, in Canada.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So it all kind of I went on this spiritual growth, you could say sort of awakening. It hit me like a dolt and I was questioning everything like what is this all for? Because when my dad passed away he was only 63. And it was very tough for me to kind of oh man, like, is this it? Like he has been retired only a few years now. You know he didn't even enjoy his last segment of life and I was thinking and questioning everything that I was doing in my own life. That kind of led me on a path and I went into that rabbit hole of searching and looking for answers, like you know what is this all about Like you know, how can you do it?

Speaker 2:

And people say yeah, you know, there's no such thing called work-life balance. I call it a yes you know, for a lot of business owners, what I've seen is this business in the middle and the life is wrapped around it.

Speaker 1:

Completely right.

Speaker 2:

It should be the other way around, because the life should be in the middle. Then you wrap around your business around it, because if you get rid of that business or for whatever reason, you wake up and you lose all your business, your clients like what not you at least have your life.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that is so important. What you just said and all of that realization came from this moment in time in your life.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely, and I realized that you know what. It doesn't have to be like this. It absolutely doesn't have to be like this Because I got this life and I wanted to make sure that I share my gifts and my talents with the rest of the world. You know, and it's time for me to shine that light, you know, so that I can help others to see, because a lot of people kind of grind. You know, we have been all programmed in such a way that, yeah, you know, no pain, no gain, and I don't buy into that philosophy. You know, we all have, you know, some sort of subscriptions.

Speaker 2:

I'm not talking about the Netflix or the Amazon Prime subscription, I'm talking about the belief system subscriptions that we all have, you know, and I was like everyone else, you know, I was programming subconsciously, without even knowing all these things, how they are impacting my own life and my own career and my own relationships, I know, with my spouse, with my kids, with my family, friends, colleagues and everyone else. That's when I realized, you know, there should be more to this. Then I kept looking for answers. Then I went on a long road journey in order to find the answers and I am so glad, I'm so grateful and thankful and blessed that I found the answers that I'm looking for. I haven't found the answers for everything, you know, but I've found the answers for most of the very important stuff that actually matters.

Speaker 1:

It changes you right, it changes us, but it doesn't have to be bad change.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it changes you for good.

Speaker 1:

If you let it, if you put it into the good. Because I know that if I could be it's been only four months for me, right, so I could be crying every day. And I do cry still. I'm sad, I miss him terribly. I can't even explain. I know, you know, you know how you miss him, right, and so I get that. But if I live in sadness, what kind of the rest of my life would I have? He would never want me to do that, never.

Speaker 2:

No, absolutely not, Absolutely not. No, I kind of went for looking for answers because, like I wanted a closure, you know.

Speaker 1:

Then I realized, like he hasn't gone anywhere.

Speaker 2:

He's just on the other side of the realm. You know, we all are so much bogged into this physical realm that we wanted to, or we have programmed ourselves into. We just go, go, go. You know like you're born. Then you go take care or school, then you graduated certain age, then you know you get a good job, then you know you get married, then you got a house, then you have kids, then you retire and then you're gone in the sunset.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's what they say, yep.

Speaker 2:

To be like this. Right, there is more to it. There is so much more to it. Right, we always think of things to. It has to be me, you know so materialistic. There's nothing wrong with materialism, but we don't want to get bogged down with it, and I read it somewhere. It was like people started kind of valuing more the things materials and using people, but it should be the other way around. We should be valuing people and using things.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that is perfect. You really figured a lot out. I have to tell you in the short period of time.

Speaker 2:

Well, I am a go-getter, Obviously, yeah, but when I want something, I go. I'm one of those folks. Like I went to school at three. I graduated university at 19. So that's.

Speaker 1:

Graduated at 19 years old.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

How old are you now?

Speaker 2:

I'm 37.

Speaker 1:

You're 37, you were one of the top advisors in the entire United States.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Canada. I'm sorry, canada, excuse me, sorry, and you know, I just want to let you know that I did sell a house to Phil Kessel. I don't know if you know who he is. He was from Canada, he lived in Toronto, so, yeah, he was a hockey star in Pittsburgh. We brought him to Pittsburgh so I was able to sell him a house, so I have that. So you coach financial advisors. How do you use the idea of mastermind groups Like, do you do that in your coaching? Do you have like yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

We have a mastermind program. We have two kinds of programs. One is a blueprint program which is the initial program. That's where we kind of sought out like really committed people. So anyone who wants to come in, there is an application process for us that we qualify advisors. If they are really committed then they get into that blueprint program. So that's usually a 12-bit program. After a 12-bit program, if they want it to be more kind of engaging into this community, then they can continue along with the mastermind program, which is basically a year-long program.

Speaker 1:

So you have quite a diverse educational background, so for me, continuous learning is critical. I learn a lot, so how has continuous learning helped you in this career and your coaching business? Are you still learning all the time?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I am learning. I'm always reading For me. I call it three daily practices. Okay, but even encourage folks in my program to do it as well, okay. Read write meditate.

Speaker 1:

Read, write, meditate. Seems simple enough right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, these are the three things because my life literally transformed. Change is a really small word. My life took a transformation after I started implementing these three things. I've always been a reader, but I used to read most of the business stuff. Now I read more diverse books and themes and topics. So I read at least 60 to 90 minutes every day, no matter what 60 to 90 minutes a day. Yes.

Speaker 1:

I love reading so much. I love it.

Speaker 2:

I'm more like a book guy, I'm not like a reader guy. I'm just trying to get around that, because whenever I read, I highlight and I fold the papers and then I, I love that.

Speaker 1:

I used to be so careful I would not bend the pages and I always love the smell of printing because I used to have a graphic design business. So when I smell a new book so I would be like, don't touch my books. And now I met a guy here in Pittsburgh. He's read Thinking Gromit 146 times and he takes notes and he highlights, and so one day on my wedding night my husband asked him for a copy of one of his written books. So for me it was the energy that was in that book. He was so passionate so I actually that was my wedding present. It was a Thinking Gromit that was highlighted by one of my friends who's read it 144 times. I think it's probably going to go in the Guinness World Book of Records.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot of time he does so much.

Speaker 1:

He's going to be on my show one day here real soon in the next couple of weeks, so yeah, so I'll tell you, rafi, it's really interesting what reading does to your life. It takes you places that you can't even imagine. And so let's talk about value, because it sounds to me, with your knowledge, you've made yourself super successful. And how do you make sure you're giving more value than what you're paid for?

Speaker 2:

See, for me, a value is defined by the outcome that we get for the clients. For me, the outcome is only two things Either we are getting them out of the massive pain that they are in or we are helping them at least one step forward towards their dream or the goal. These are the only two things. If I can provide one of these two things this is what I talk in our program as well helping advisors designing their ideal business. I tell them if you can do one of these two things, that should be the basic foundation for your business. Something else it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

If you can do one of those two things, if you just focus, like you focus your marketing message, if you focus your media what kind of medium that you use and the market that you choose with. So the three M's market message and the medium. So these three M's that you focus, gearing towards these two things I think that would reach a lot of people. For me, I don't tend to change 10,000 life or a million lives. I don't have that kind of goal, at least for now. Every day I wake up I say, okay, if I talk to one person, if I can transform their life, just one person. One person at a time.

Speaker 1:

One person at a time.

Speaker 2:

Then I have done a good deed for the day.

Speaker 1:

It's exactly how I live every day. It's exactly what you said I want to change someone's life in a positive way every single day. I want to change someone's life on a daily basis. Absolutely, you're on my show today, because I attracted you right here on the show, because we are talking about you.

Speaker 2:

You manifest it, you manifest it.

Speaker 1:

You're perfect person to be talking to me today. What you just taught me right now for my own company out of pain or helping them get one step closer to their goals that's the answer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we always. I talk to a lot of marketing folks and they say, yeah, you have to talk about the features, you have to talk about the benefits, you have to talk about this, you have to talk about that. I'm like, okay, if probably I'm looking for a bookshelf, then I would be talking about that, but I'm not in that business. I'm in the business. I could have a conversation or someone who could be listening to this podcast today and something would click and that could be a beginning of a journey which could transform their life and thereby that could transform the next generations. That's a kind of transformation we are talking about. You know, it's not about the information. Like you, there's a lot of information out there. Like you, open up Facebook, instagram.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, there's so much, so much information.

Speaker 2:

It's overloaded, it's overloaded. Like information is overloaded. You know there's no. Like I was talking to a business owner who happens to be an advisor and he was like yeah, I already have that information, I have already have that information. Yeah, like there is no dirt of information. Like you know, there's a lot of stuff there, but we are talking about transformation. You know how can you transform a client's life, you know. So you're in real estate. I'll give an example. You know anyone can buy a house. You know.

Speaker 2:

As a realtor, you should be able to sell a home for the client Right. Right, you know, I can buy a book, but I cannot buy wisdom. I can buy a mattress, I cannot buy sleep, you know.

Speaker 1:

This is so impactful.

Speaker 2:

As a person, as an entrepreneur, as a business owner. Like whatever you do at any job you could be cooking, cleaning, like whatever you want it to do, it doesn't matter If you can provide that, you know that's gold right there.

Speaker 1:

It's gold.

Speaker 2:

That is gold right there and no one can stop you. No one can stop you.

Speaker 1:

Right here at this moment, I feel exactly like Napoleon Hill had to feel back in the day when he was interviewing 500 successful people. I felt that feeling just right now because, listening to you, everything that you're saying is so spot on to what I believe in and if you guys are listening really, maybe listen to this one a few times, because he is unbelievable and you know we share something in common, right, which a lot of people do they go through trauma in their life. It's very sad, but I want you to share a time with me when you were worried or doubtful and how you dealt with it, outside of the loss of your father, because we know that impact has been profound. Let's talk about something in your business or your entrepreneurial journey that you were doubtful or worried and how you dealt with it.

Speaker 2:

I once had a client who kind of left me Meaning. She said that you know what, like I don't want you as an advisor, I want to go see someone else. Now it won't impact me much but at the time that the state I was in, it literally like baffled my world, like it. Just I just felt like man because I took it so personally.

Speaker 1:

I take everything personally.

Speaker 2:

I understand you know, yes, it was like I'm a failure, like it didn't matter. Like you know, I was a certified financial planner. You know I've chatted in the investment manager I had. I have degrees like longer than my name.

Speaker 1:

Oh, your name is pretty short.

Speaker 2:

Like it just felt, like you know, and I couldn't sleep. I literally couldn't sleep for a few days or maybe perhaps a couple of weeks, because it always kept coming back to me and it was impacting, you know, my work. It was impacting the way I was in the family with kids and everything. It was very profound for me. Then, like I said, all these things happen at a time and now I believe, like every when you wanted a growth, I think life it preps you up. It preps you up All these things like losing a dad and becoming dad for the very first time, having this business and I got the president club over that year.

Speaker 1:

You did. Wow, so many emotions. That's like a roller coaster.

Speaker 2:

It's like. That's why I said, like I think I couldn't take it, I couldn't contain everything in a small cylinder. It just kind of exploded.

Speaker 1:

I feel the same right now. We've had some things in our company. You're four months into the grief and you have all these things going on and, honestly, if I wasn't able to pick myself up now better than I ever have been, some people couldn't get through all of this. It's a lot to deal with in their life. So I feel so positive that like talking to you and the impact that we're gonna have with this call is just so amazing and I can't even like I do feel that you, I manifested you in my life right this minute.

Speaker 2:

So Well, everything is a manifestation, Everything like nothing happens by chance, like I used to think yeah, that's a random, because I'm an engineer, right. Like I think I'm Right when you work in finances, for you everything is numbers Like, and you understand this, like you know a square footage, price per square footage. Like you know this, that it's all about numbers. It's very hard for us you know who are the left brain to kind of think about the right brain through right brain. I'll tell you what helped me to kind of get on to this, get out of this state. I started reading books. I started reading like different kinds of books, like mostly the spiritual books, and one book I think I I don't know if you have read this it's called Letting Go by David R Hawkins.

Speaker 1:

I have not.

Speaker 2:

If you have not read that book, you should absolutely read that book.

Speaker 1:

That will be on my Amazon card today.

Speaker 2:

It's I can't tell you, Folks who are listening, if you can take one thing away from this podcast, I would highly highly recommend you you go and read that book. It's called Letting Go by David R Hawkins, so that book actually gave me the closure.

Speaker 1:

It did Well. It's in its. I'm getting it today, so thank you for the recommendation, because yeah, you would call me after you read them. All right, it's a deal. I know I'm gonna be calling you more about than just this book. So yes. Let's talk a couple of little things. So how many languages do you speak?

Speaker 2:

I speak five different languages.

Speaker 1:

What are they?

Speaker 2:

English, as usual. I speak Hindi, I speak Urdu, I speak Telugu and Tamil.

Speaker 1:

How many you said that you have. How many college degrees do you have?

Speaker 2:

I have two from India. One I did here in Canada, so I did engineering and electronics and communications. Then I did an MBA in finance. Then I did a post-grad in international business.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's a lot of learning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I said, I love to learn, and you asked the question about the continuing education. For me, if I'm not learning, then I'm not growing. I'm with you. If I'm not growing, I'm as good as I'm dead. That's how I look at it.

Speaker 1:

And it makes so much sense. So what's one practical piece of advice you can share that aligns with Napoleon Hill's teaching with thinking, grow rich.

Speaker 2:

The manifestation, that's what like. There are a lot of nuggets from that book that I learned because the first time when I read the book I was 17. That's when I read that book the very first time. I've been very fortunate. I met so many incredible people mentors in my life who actually set me on a path, because before me no one ever went to university in my seven generations.

Speaker 1:

No one, no one.

Speaker 2:

I was the first one, I'm the only one Like after me. I laid a path, I guess at least.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

A lot of others A legacy. They came.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I lived by that right Because, like, as I mentioned, everyone comes in life, goes to school, does this, you know, pays their mortgage for 25 years, then go into retirement and die. I just don't want to be that guy, right, and we all have a choice. The choice is with us, right? I always say that, like you know pain, like everyone gets pain right. Like you know, everyone loses someone they loved, you know. But suffering is a choice, you know you can choose to suffer. You know you can choose to grieve. You know you can cry. David Harkins he talks a lot about those things in the book. That's what he says that unless and until you process your emotions, you know you won't be able to heal that. And in my case, my trapped emotions kind of turn into a physical trauma because I got admitted into a ER at 2am, not because I had some heart issue or something, it was for a back pain, yeah back pain.

Speaker 2:

yeah, it was for a back pain.

Speaker 1:

Then I'm like man, I'm so young, like you know.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure I just felt like I was in a wheelchair. You know, I thought, even crossed my mind, that I'm going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. That's how debilitating that pain was.

Speaker 1:

And what was it from?

Speaker 2:

Sorry, and what it was like I said it was. I thought it was. You know, from lifting my daughter, I, you know, I worked out in a different way or something. But it's not. It's not. It was a trap emotion. It was trapped, Actually a trapped emotion, and at that time I didn't know. It took a few years for me to kind of figure that out. Oh, okay, that's the reason, you know, because it all builds in the belief system and with Napoleon Hill, that's what I like about it. Whatever happens in the material world, it actually happens twice. When it happens here up here between the two years, then it actually physically manifests in the reality, you know.

Speaker 2:

And we have constantly running the programs where an average human being have somewhere about 60 to 80,000 thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Every day.

Speaker 2:

Every day, every single day. That's a lot of thoughts and, yeah, and 90% of those thoughts are repetitive thoughts and 80% of those thoughts are negative thoughts.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot of negativity.

Speaker 2:

You know, so we are. So it's like drawing a blueprint, you know, say, someone wants to construct a house and they're drawing it in a negative way and expecting a positive and a beautiful house. That doesn't happen, no, no, it doesn't happen at all. So that's that's what I, when, when I read the loss of success and think and grow rich. These books kind of helped me imbibe, like sometimes I talk to people they say that yeah, I've read that book and I'm like, okay. My next question is how many times I like a book, I read it. I make sure it is in my blood, it goes in my DNA. There was a study done that says when you read a book or when you get an information where you get excited, like when, when you raise your emotional or your vibration, you know your energy a new neurons are formed in your brain, like physical, like you're basically manifesting a biological matter with your thoughts.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing, I think you're. You are Napoleon Hill.

Speaker 2:

No, that's. That's a very big compliment, but I'll take it.

Speaker 1:

I'm so blown away by you. I really am. I had no idea how this call was going to go. Great, I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

I knew, you knew, I knew. I manifested this I'm on.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm doing. Every call is going to be so amazing that people are going to want to listen to it a hundred times.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is what I do. Like every meeting I go, I kind of manifest that that's what like. I think like the first three to five minutes and I know this is what the outcome would be. And exactly that's what the outcome will be.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know every client conversation, I do every business meeting, I do Every single important stuff I do in my life other than, you know, watching stuff or listening to music, but I do manifest it. I kind of rehearse that mental rehearsal in my mind, you know, and think through those thoughts and that's why, like when I read the books and do these things, I know these neurons are from me, right? Yes, and I strongly believe that when you do that you pass that on To your next generation as a DNA. You know, sometimes you'd be talking to someone like very young and you'd be wondering how could this person possibly get this kind of information or this kind of maturity or level of thinking? It probably not everything from them, but it could have been passed on from the previous generations as well.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about your children. You have two small children.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How are you going to help them learn this Like? Are you going to have them read Thinking Grimage when they're seven years old or 10?

Speaker 2:

years old. I have a library of 200 books. How many 200.

Speaker 1:

I think I have you beat. I might have 500.

Speaker 2:

So the and I like every book I put in on that shelf. I bookmark them and I say that these are the books At least I want my kids to read at least once. I don't care if they become a doctor or engineer, like a successful business person or whatnot, because that's a byproduct of what you choose to become, but I want them to kind of at least read some of the books that they find interesting. You know, like I have books, I am a big fan of biographies. You know I read a lot of biographies and I want them to get because I feel that energy, like you were talking about. Every time I'm reading these books I get the energy of the person who has written it.

Speaker 1:

I agree.

Speaker 2:

And I connect them in a in a way, and I literally go into that state, into their mind when they were writing that book, and I like that space. I really like that space and this is what I want my kids to learn. I don't even care if they graduate or not, but I want them to learn this and I teach this in our program as well. I always say that if you wanted to have a fulfilling career and a good life, I say that three things are really, really important. You want it to make sure that you have income, you have freedom or lifestyle and you create impact. If either one of these things are missing, then you won't have fulfillment. I was a seven figure rolling, your average, revenue generating advisor and I was still not feeling fulfilled, it seems hard to believe that you weren't fulfilled right, but I can.

Speaker 1:

I hear you, I see you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you talk to a lot of billionaires, Do you think they're fulfilled? No, no, no, you know there's a lot of stuff going on like nothing against us. Like you know, the top 10 billionaires probably six to seven of them, are divorced.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot of divorce.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, this happens quite a bit in the more successful people, because it's very hard and we take things for granted. That's why I talk about like income, freedom, lifestyle and impact, all these three things. This is what I want to teach my kids. I want my kids to learn these values. You know, income is really important. You know, don't get me wrong, of course I wanted to make sure, like, oh, people say that, oh, I wanted to help people. Yeah, just one thing, though the problem with that idea is like you cannot become the light to the world if you can't pay your light bill.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's good, Right, that's so good.

Speaker 2:

So I wanted to make money. You know I wanted to make a crap load of money, but at the same time, I wanted to make sure that I have a life and the lifestyle and the freedom that I'm getting from this and I'm creating that impact on people. You know that's what I'm talking about. Say you met a person. Say you talk to someone. I have met people in coffee shops, like you know. They were baristas. I've helped them to get jobs elsewhere and all those things. Now, see, that person has worked in a coffee shop for I don't know, like a decade or two. Now you're helping them to do something or become something or realize their potential. Now their life is changed. Now the next generation and the next generation, everything else is changed from there. That's why I always say that you wanted to change, not because you want the change, you wanted to make sure that you wanted to get the change, because it will set the path for the future generations. That's how powerful we are. That's how powerful we are and we underestimated it and we so underestimated it.

Speaker 2:

I'm just only one person. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't know. You know, like even when I launched this company, it was a bit of terrifying moment for me, but I was still in fear and I acted it anyways, because it takes only 10 seconds of courage. Only that 10 second matters. Nothing else matters, only that 10 seconds.

Speaker 2:

Everyone has fear, even like folks like Tony Robbins or anyone who gets up on the stage you know who are great public speakers. Even they have fear. But they overcome that fear with that 10 seconds, because that's what defines what you're gonna do. Right, Like you wanna take up a new project or you wanna get into a new relationship. That 10 seconds of courage. We'd be thinking okay, should I ask that person out? I would ask that person out. By the time we muster the courage, it's gone, it's gone right. Say, someone wants to buy a property. They're like that's a nice piece of property, like, and I want it to buy that property. By the time you act, it's gone. You know that's being decisive, because universe rewards someone who's decisive.

Speaker 1:

Correct, and I don't know if you remember this, but Napoleon Hill, when Andrew Carnegie asked him about doing this traveling the United States and interviewing top 500 business leaders in that time period and it took him 29 seconds to answer. And therefore, that's why, thinking Greer-Richardson, existence involves success, which is about this thick, like four inches thick, and if it wasn't for that 29 second decision, we may not have the knowledge that we have today on the success secrets of all of those multimillionaires of that era.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and I'm a big believer of action taking right. I always say that if you wanted to be a client of mine, I want you to have your three qualities I want you to be highly coachable, I want you to be highly decisive and I want you to be highly resourceful. These are the only three things. Everything else we can figure it out. Yeah, I want you to be decisive.

Speaker 2:

You come across because I talk a lot about this manifestation right, like dealing with the subconscious mind, because that's where everything gets manifested, like it doesn't matter. If you want to dream life, you want to dream business, you want to dream relationship, it doesn't matter. Whatever it is that gets manifested there in the subconscious mind in the first place. So you want to buy a nicer house, like a dream car, or go on a dream vacation or something, and you write it out, or you have your vision board and all these things, but when the time comes to pull the trigger, you don't do it game over. Game over. Yeah, the universe thinks or the subconscious mind thinks that, oh yeah, this guy or this person is not serious, they just wanted it, but they're not acting enough to reclaim that power. And being decisive like taking that action is how you actually go grab it and you know of all people better than the real estate, you know you like something, you get it.

Speaker 1:

Don't sleep on it, because someone else will be sleeping there, right?

Speaker 2:

No, because a lot of people that's what holds them. That's what holds them. That's why I see a lot of people stuck in their jobs, like for 20, 30 years, and they hate it. Stuck in their relationships, they hate it. Stuck in the businesses, they hate it All it takes is the 10 seconds of courage.

Speaker 1:

10 seconds of courage and on the other end that's where the freedom is the door.

Speaker 2:

it takes 10 seconds to unlock the door.

Speaker 1:

So good. I wish I could stay on here all day long. We could have like the longest podcast in the history of the world.

Speaker 1:

We could just talk and talk and laugh and just have a great time, but then we would have to eat at some point, probably. Thank you so much for today and you are just such a pleasure to talk to and your energy is amazing, and you know. Today, on China on Success, week explored Rafi's remarkable journey from wealth advisor to founder of peaceful advisor, lifestyle coaching. His story, infused with the principles of Napoleon Hill, highlighted the importance of clear goals, overcoming many obstacles, as we know, and work-life balance. His insight reminds us that true success blends financial achievement with personal fulfillment. Thank you for joining us everyone and stay tuned for more inspiring stories on China on Success and be sure to connect with either of us on social media. And we look forward to the next time, and I know there's going to be a next time. I already have that manifested. So, everyone, enjoy your day and we'll talk on the next episode.

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