Shine On Success

Navigating Success with a Smile

March 11, 2024 Dionne Malush Season 1 Episode 16
Navigating Success with a Smile
Shine On Success
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Shine On Success
Navigating Success with a Smile
Mar 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 16
Dionne Malush

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Join the celebration as we mark a significant milestone with Devie Rollison, an epitome of excellence at Realty ONE Group Gold Standard. Devie's story is one of true grit and glittering success, a narrative that stretches from her challenging beginnings in Pittsburgh to her current standing as a beacon of positivity in the real estate world. We sit with Devie to uncover the secrets behind her approachable nature and her knack for clinching deals that have earned her a top spot in such a competitive field. Her resilience and tenacity, honed by life's trials, are front and center as we navigate the strategies that have helped her turn adversity into triumph.

In this heart-to-heart, we also shine a light on the transformative power of positivity and the profound impact of community involvement. I share slices of my own life, where personal passion seamlessly blends with my professional calling, and how this synergy makes every day an adventure rather than a grind. You'll hear tales of triumph over challenges, and how maintaining an upbeat outlook can turn even the most negative situations around. As we explore the far-reaching effects of kindness and philanthropy, get ready to be inspired by projects like Streethearts Haiti, which underscore her aspirations to extend her charitable reach globally. This talk with Devie isn't just a commemoration; it's a masterclass in the values and vigor that fuel not just a stellar real estate career, but a fulfilling life and a few laughs. 

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Join the celebration as we mark a significant milestone with Devie Rollison, an epitome of excellence at Realty ONE Group Gold Standard. Devie's story is one of true grit and glittering success, a narrative that stretches from her challenging beginnings in Pittsburgh to her current standing as a beacon of positivity in the real estate world. We sit with Devie to uncover the secrets behind her approachable nature and her knack for clinching deals that have earned her a top spot in such a competitive field. Her resilience and tenacity, honed by life's trials, are front and center as we navigate the strategies that have helped her turn adversity into triumph.

In this heart-to-heart, we also shine a light on the transformative power of positivity and the profound impact of community involvement. I share slices of my own life, where personal passion seamlessly blends with my professional calling, and how this synergy makes every day an adventure rather than a grind. You'll hear tales of triumph over challenges, and how maintaining an upbeat outlook can turn even the most negative situations around. As we explore the far-reaching effects of kindness and philanthropy, get ready to be inspired by projects like Streethearts Haiti, which underscore her aspirations to extend her charitable reach globally. This talk with Devie isn't just a commemoration; it's a masterclass in the values and vigor that fuel not just a stellar real estate career, but a fulfilling life and a few laughs. 

Connect with Dionne Malush

Connect with Dionne Malush

Dionne Malush:

Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn adversity into a stepping stone for success? Welcome to today's episode of Shine On Success, where we dive deep into stories of resilience and achievement. Today we're thrilled to have Devie Rollison, a trailblazer from Realty ONE Group Gold Standard of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, whose five-year anniversary is today. She is not only exiled in the real estate world, but has also made a mark with her entrepreneurial spirit. Stay tuned as we explore her journey from overcoming a challenging childhood to becoming a beacon of positivity and success, and don't forget to connect with us on social media to join the conversation.

Dionne Malush:

So welcome, Devie. I'm so glad to have my first Gold Standard agent on today and it's your anniversary. I'm so excited. We do. Thank you. Five years I can't believe it. I know we did a deal before you know, prior to you coming here maybe two or three but once you got here, we've become great friends and I'm thrilled to have you here. So let's start at the beginning. Can you tell me a little bit about a moment in your childhood that really stands out and shaped who you are today, do you?

Devie Rollison:

remember your childhood?

Dionne Malush:

No, it is pivotal, something pivotal that really made you Devie Rollison of today.

Devie Rollison:

Honestly, I think it was just growing up like where I did, although, don't get me wrong, I love my town and I still live there and I, you know, give back to the community as much and as often as I can. But you know, there are a lot of things going on around me. I think that made me realize what I didn't want out of my life. It really just propelled me to make sure I could be the best person that I am today.

Dionne Malush:

Makes sense. I live that same life. We live 10 miles apart. You know we're not. We're in the same area and I believe that you know. Growing up I realized that I wanted more and I think you have the same exact ideas. So I know you do a lot in the field of real estate and you've been certified as a negotiation expert in marketing. You do a lot with marketing. In fact, we just attended a marketing day in Florida together. What do you believe sets you apart in the field of real estate?

Devie Rollison:

My personality, I think. I think I'm pretty approachable to people and I'm friendly and I'm helpful and I think that makes people, it makes them feel good that they can come to me, because I just have that aura about me. I guess that just you know, I'm approachable.

Dionne Malush:

It's comforting, right you are. You're very approachable, I agree that's a great word to explain you and I know that being a top producer in real estate is no small feat, especially in this area where you actually have to sell, sometimes double or triple what other areas do. And I know you sell a lot of homes and I've been a part of that for the last five years. So one thing about this podcast is taking adversity is to get on the other side of success. So can you tell me, when something is challenging, what do you do to get through it? Do you reach out to other people? Because I see seeking expert counsel, which is one of Napoleon Hill's most famous things to do, my favorite, favorite principle is seeking expert counsel. What do you do when you have a challenge? What happens?

Devie Rollison:

So I'm not. I'm not one to shy away from a fight, right? So no, not at all. I think that's just it. I hit it head on and I absolutely learned that from you that seek expert counsel, and that's what I say to, I mean, everybody. My fiance is trying to grow his business this year and I'm like he's like what do I do? I said I don't know, I don't, I don't landscape, you know. I said seek expert counsel, call it, call it. You know. Your guys that you know ask them what are they doing. So that's definitely one of them, probably the biggest one. But yeah, hitting it head on too, no-transcript, you know, nothing's going to get down if you're sitting around.

Dionne Malush:

No, not at all, and I agree, you can't get successful sitting on the couch, right. So one thing yesterday to happen I was having a conversation with someone and after in the evening, she sent me a text and it really made sense and I wanted to talk about it today with you because I thought it was great. She said, per our discussion this afternoon and our questioning why some have continued in much adversity to overcome, she said here's a quote that I love and I use this all the time and I thought you would love this. I wanted you to see what real courage is. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyways and see it through no matter what. And I thought, boy, that's the story of my life, and I can imagine right now you're thinking the same exact thought I did.

Devie Rollison:

Isn't it?

Dionne Malush:

fantastic. It doesn't make sense that we know at the beginning we're already, you know, going to get pushed and shoved around. Because that's what real estate does, right? I always say it takes a good person and can make them really, can make them mean and bad and upset. It's just very negative. It's not HGTV, right. And so we see that all the time and people think, oh, you guys, you know it's so easy to be a real estate. Oh, my gosh, it's not easy at all. It's very difficult, but you shine through and you're always smiling and happy and I've seen you. Even when you're upset, you still have something special about you that you really don't show it to other people. So, in terms of adversity, can you share a story where you face significant challenges with a real estate, or personally, and how did you push through? So there's something significant that I'm trying to get out of you, like something that you pushed through, and I'm anxious to hear what it is.

Devie Rollison:

So I think there have been many walks of life since I've been born that I have had to start over whether it was through relationships with my mom and starting over from a family aspect of having to do that or you know and then into adulthood, there have been a few times that I've literally I just had to walk away with nothing and build it all back up, and it wasn't easy, but it's almost freeing in a way to do that. My divorce in. I don't even know what year it was it's 2014, right, so I think I got divorced like six, seven years ago.

Dionne Malush:

It's 2024.

Devie Rollison:

That's all busy again. I mean, that's really busy, this is all busy again. So, yeah, I think it wasn't anything that I expected and I literally just said that's it, I'm walking away, I'm going to take it, you walked out with nothing.

Devie Rollison:

I mean I walked out with my clothes, my personal belongings and everything in my sons and I said PC later and I literally started over from scratch. So it was not an easy thing to do but it was a freeing thing to do and it really made me appreciate the fact that I know that, no matter what comes down the pike, I can absolutely handle it.

Dionne Malush:

You really can and I do feel that's the strength of who we are today. I'm in my mid 50s, You're in your mid 40s and I feel that strength from you and with you. I know one thing is, when we're together, you're always watching my back and I really appreciate that and I would do the same for you, and I know that that's not how all people are We've come across a lot of that in our lives that they're there for a season and it's OK. The seasons are OK. We're used to having seasons in Pittsburgh. We've been through so many of them. But in a personal way too, people are there for seasons and I'm glad this season with you has been with for five years and I hope it's another five or 10 or 20.

Dionne Malush:

But I also know that your commitment to excellence is what's put you in the real estate super like superheroes of real estate, Like Devie. She can handle a lot at the same time and I love being a part of that. So let's talk about your commitment to creating clean, Because not only are you a real estate agent, but it is super successful, usually closing anywhere between 60 to 80 houses a year without a team, which is impressive, because there's many teams that don't even do that much, and it's impressive. And so you have this new company called JustK lean and you have a commitment to creating clean, sustainable environment. So can you tell me what that's about and how you balance that with having a real estate business and a personal life? I mean?

Dionne Malush:

I think we just had a couple of hours there, when we were already ready to actually just not think about work. It was kind of nice, I mean.

Devie Rollison:

Let's be honest though, my work, no matter what it is, whether it's real estate or Just Clean. It is incorporated into my personal life Because I love doing what I do, so it's not work to me.

Dionne Malush:

You know what I mean. Yeah, I do know what you mean. I actually do, I love working.

Devie Rollison:

Yeah, someone asked me what my hobby was and I was like well, real estate. And they were like but that's your job. And I was like oh, I love you both. Like why?

Dionne Malush:

It is just. I guess you're right. If you love working, we do, I love doing it. I could work 24 hours a day if there wasn't sleep. If I didn't have to sleep, I could definitely find something to do all the time.

Devie Rollison:

Oh, for sure. There are days that I'm like oh it's 5 o'clock, I didn't even eat today, Whoops.

Dionne Malush:

There was plenty of days I could buy like that. So there's something else I truly love and appreciate about you and it's about giving back, and you've helped me be better at it, and I have to tell you that because sometimes I didn't think like that prior to knowing you. I didn't always think about that, and there's some things that we do now that are because of you. So tell me why that's so important to you. Why is giving back so important to Deverell?

Devie Rollison:

So I think I've always been helpful, like given. Whenever I was little, I remember like we'd be walking through Elizabeth and I knew everybody right. So I would be waving at everyone and my mom would be like what are you, the mayor? Like how do you even know them? And I knew them all by name and they all knew me too. I know I got older, you know you look around and our areas, kind of our areas were kind of similar, so you had people that had a lot of money and then you had people that didn't have a lot of money.

Devie Rollison:

You know what I mean. So growing up without a lot of money and then being a single mom to my son, people helped me. You know when I mean I would get like my, my food from like WIC and my friends would come over and be like, well, I'll buy the cheese. You know what I mean. Yeah, and like there we get Christmas presents at Christmas time. You know would like just be delivered to my doorstep for days. So when I was able to be the one to do it, I wanted to be the one that did it, you know, yeah but, I mean, if I have it, it's in your.

Devie Rollison:

You're my people, you love it too.

Dionne Malush:

It's just who I you know, so you are, I am, yeah, you've seen both sides of it and it's very attractive to watch you in action. And another thing is the power of positivity that you exude. You have this thing near the hippie realtor, which you know. Hippies are happy, right, and you're happy and you share that. And how do you keep doing it day after day, like what keeps you in that side of positivity? Because I always tell everyone you can't think positive and negative at the same time, but even when I'm having a bad day and I say something, you can twist the band and make it good. What is that superpower that you have?

Devie Rollison:

Well, I wasn't always like this.

Devie Rollison:

I was a pretty angry teenager and then, I don't know, one day is something, I flipped the switch, just flipped in my brain, and I was like life is way too short to be as miserable and angry as I am and you know, you've got to do every day with a smile on your face, and I mean even when I'm at like I was strapping down the road the one day and I'm my best friends in the car with me and I had somebody call me and they're like not being very nice to me on the phone and I wanted to just wig out and I put a giant smile on my face and I said what I had to say and I had the phone. I looked at her and I said you, even if you put a big smile on your face, like people hear the smile, they don't hear what you think you want to yell at them back.

Dionne Malush:

It's so hard to do. You know, I don't know if I ever told you about this, but I was listening to a personal development leader, zig Ziglar, and he told a story of whenever you're driving down the road and someone flips you off which happens a lot, right, because if you drive like fast and if you drive creative, that might happen. So he says, what you do is you just put your hand up and you wave really fast at them and smile and they look at you like, oh my gosh, I know that person and they're so embarrassed because they just flipped you off and they know you and I always do it. It's so fun, but it does. They can feel that like if they're you're not getting mad back and they want you to get mad.

Devie Rollison:

Oh, yeah, they want. Oh, if somebody gets like really mad at me, I just start laughing and that makes them even more mad. But a friend of mine, which she used to do when she would get in like arguments with people in traffic, she would pick her nose, she would pick her nose.

Dionne Malush:

Who, who. One of my friends, oh my goodness, and this is the first time I've ever heard, probably on any podcast, about someone picking their nose. That's so funny, kind of like the way you've been a little bit more dramatic.

Devie Rollison:

No doubt.

Dionne Malush:

Oh my gosh, that's so funny, so I know coming up you have. You're going away and you said something in your bio about making a significant impact on the world. Can you elaborate on that vision and some of the steps that you're taking to achieve it right now?

Devie Rollison:

so my cousin started a. I Don't know if it's a nonprofit, I don't know what, but it's called Street Hearts Haiti. So in 2012, she started this. The few years before that, she'd been working for a company out of DC that would give a lot of money To the community in Haiti, and what she would do is they would send her down there to see like where their money was going and what what they were doing with it, and she fell in love with all the kids down there.

Devie Rollison:

There's two very distinctly different Hades. If you know anything about the area down there, um, one is just Terrible. The other one is, you know, the pretty Haiti that you see whenever you get off the cruise ship, um, and she spends her time and her efforts down in the one. That's not the cruise ship side of it, you know. So she was home very recently and she was talking about it with me and telling me that she is going to they're trying to open two more centers for homeless youth, one in Fort Lauderdale and one in DC right now.

Devie Rollison:

Now she has opened three homes, schools. I mean, she's saved kids lives, she's I can't even get into it the things that she's seen, that she's had to endure there, but it's and it's all for these kids. So I heard I were talking and I'm like I just feel like there's something inside of me that's just bigger. Right, it's meant for something else and she's like come to Haiti, please come, just come and see it. So I'm going down there in the beginning of April and she's gonna show me at all. So I'm excited because, if you know, there might be an opportunity that I'm gonna show you, there might be an opportunity there to Start helping some, some people that really need it for sure.

Dionne Malush:

It's horrible for sure. So you know you spent a life of overcoming adversity For our audience. What advice would you give them, based on your experience of pushing through to the other side of challenges? What is something that you could share with them to do, because there's a lot of people, especially in our area, that are having hard times or struggles? What could they do?

Devie Rollison:

For a long time I ran from Everything, like you know, something happened you everybody has trauma, right, whatever level of trauma that it is, and you push it to the side and you just keep going. But Something that I learned last year Was if you sit with it and you acknowledge it and you feel it and you name it and you let it go, we thank it for being there and you let it go Expendentially helps because you're, you feel it right, because it's still there. If you don't do that, it's. You carry that with you every single day. So if you do that, it it almost brings it out and it's gone and then you can get on the other side of whatever it is and you but there is another side of whatever it is.

Devie Rollison:

You know, if you Need a better job or you're getting a divorce, or you know I love to undies, or something Like, there's something on the other side of that always.

Dionne Malush:

Always, always is, and I think a lot of that has to do with who you surround yourself with. I think that makes a big difference, because those people can really pick you up or bring you down right. I remember a couple years ago Well, maybe like 10 plus years ago we owned a small bar and, you know, I just got to see a side of things that I just didn't want to be in and I realized at that time, like this is not where I want my life to be, and so I could have stayed right in it because it was fun. I was having a blast right now staying out all night and then having to get up and sell real estate and just exhausted. But I decided that wasn't the side for me.

Dionne Malush:

And I appreciate what you're saying because I think one time someone told me some advice about putting a price tag on those things that I think about. Every time that thought pops in my head, it was worth X amount of dollars. So if I keep thinking about it over and over again, I'm not thinking about building my business or moving on to the next phase of my life. I'm thinking about that. So that makes a lot of sense and I really appreciate that. So, as we wrap up and you're committed to exceptional service in your business, how do you stay motivated and maintain high level of care for yourself in the fast-paced world of real estate? What do you do for you? I know we said we don't have much break, but do you do anything?

Devie Rollison:

So yeah, honestly to say, by sanity, I plan like little trips. I don't really take any trips that are any longer than like five days.

Dionne Malush:

Sometimes they're too. Yeah, I have a panic over that. Like Jason said today, let's go for a week, like a week, a whole week, that's too much, it's too much.

Devie Rollison:

Yeah, it's too much, but yeah, I just plan just to get out of here for a little bit, and I mean I work every time I take anywhere I go, my computer's with me, my phones are with me, Like I'm still working, but sometimes just getting out of the burr.

Dionne Malush:

Yeah, out of the sunshine here, right, I think I looked it up one time. I think it's like a hundred days a year we have sunshine. Yeah, it's like a third of our year.

Devie Rollison:

I used to love going to the gym too, but I have to get back to that and getting massages. Massages are wonderful.

Dionne Malush:

I love massages. I think it's almost as important as electric for our bodies, right Like we need to have that to help us function properly. But it took me heck. It was like nine months before I had one recently and I was like, oh my gosh, it was amazing what breaks all those toxins down too that are like hanging out in there.

Devie Rollison:

Yeah, it's about all the toxins.

Dionne Malush:

So you share with us a great story and I think your story is a powerful reminder that, with grit, grace and a little bit of sunshine, overcoming adversity is not just possible. It's a pathway to unparalleled success. So if Debbie's story inspires you, reach out to her on social media and share your thoughts and, for those looking to connect with her, explore opportunities of real estate beyond. How can the listeners get in touch with you?

Devie Rollison:

You can always call or text me, okay, what's your number?

Dionne Malush:

412-748-6346. Okay, where they can find you on social media?

Devie Rollison:

Yeah, Pittsburgh's Hippie Realtor on social media, on Instagram, and then is it the same on Facebook, I don't know. Yeah, thanks for everything. Your name, like Devie, was in Realtor. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I don't know. I'm gonna hear from you. So if you wanna text, me, text me, Thank you.

Dionne Malush:

I mean, she has that phone and she has actually two phones. She said it in the next.

Devie Rollison:

I'm glad you know my DMs.

Dionne Malush:

I'm glad you know my DMs. That's what they say in Pittsburgh Real Estate alone. So thank you for joining me on China Success Today, where we light up the path to your brightest future. I'm Dionne Malush, your host, reminding you to keep chasing your dreams with unwavering positivity and until next time, keep shining. See you later, thank you.

Overcoming Adversity for Success
Power of Positivity and Giving Back

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