Shine On Success

Rewrite Your Money Story: The Power of FAB Manifestation

August 31, 2024 Dionne Malush

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In this inspiring episode of Shine On Success, host Dionne Malush dives deep into the transformative journey of Evie Diaz, a financial empowerment speaker, and healer. From growing up in poverty to becoming a beacon of hope and a powerhouse speaker, Evie shares her incredible story of resilience and the powerful lessons she's learned along the way.

Discover Evie's unique FAB Money Scripting method—Feel, Act, and Be—to rewrite your financial destiny and cultivate a life of abundance and freedom. Evie also opens up about overcoming past traumas, the importance of daily habits, and the value of mentoring. Whether you're looking to break through your financial barriers, find healing, or simply be inspired, this episode offers a blueprint for consciously creating a future that works for everyone.

Tune in to learn how you can take control of your money story, manifest financial freedom, and truly transform your life, starting today!

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Connect with Dionne Malush

Speaker 1:

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Hello everyone and welcome to another inspiring episode of Shine on Success. I'm your host, dionne Malish, and today we have an extraordinary guest who embodies the power of transformation and resilience. Raised in poverty and overcoming incredible adversity, she's now a powerhouse speaker and soon-to-be Hay House Publish author of Money Scripting 90 Days to Rewriting your Money Story. Let's welcome Evie Diaz, a financial empowerment speaker, healer and author. Welcome, evie. So I know you want to set an attention for us, so let's do it.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So first of all, I want to invite you, if you feel comfortable, to plant your feet firmly on the ground and, if you feel comfortable, let's take a few deep breaths from the belly, through the nose, out the mouth, just to kind of be present to this present moment, recognizing that all manifestation occurs in the present moment. And so let's practice taking three deep breaths in and out the mouth. So let's do that now. So, as we begin this meeting, it is our intention to speak with love, to be love, to experience love and to vibrate to the energy of love. We recognize that what we speak will be spoken with good intention, and we recognize that those who listen and who join us are here because they have a divine appointment with us, and we are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to come together to uplift each other so that we can consciously create a world that works for everyone. And with the intention of love and peace we begin this conversation now, and so it is, and so we let it be.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, I love that, so I'm all about love, so let's share some love. So my very first question for you is what is one thing you would like people to know about you? I?

Speaker 2:

am like you. I truly believe that we come together because we attract each other and we are mirrors unto each other. So we may not agree and we may not sound exactly alike, but in the end, we attracted each other. So we may not agree and we may not sound exactly alike, but in the end we attracted each other. Therefore, this is a divine meeting and this is a divine instance, and so I look for opportunities to get to know myself more by getting to know you. Similarly, the invitation is for you to get to know yourself more by listening to me, through you, I like it Sounds very interesting.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk a little bit about you and what you're doing and if you can explain to our audience what you're doing.

Speaker 2:

Sure. So I am a financial empowerment speaker, healer and author, and so this is the latest name that I felt inspired by source to be what people know me as, because I like to inspire and empower people to feel, act and be financially free. And those words are exactly what I have been inspired to share and what I mean. What I mean by that is I like using the word financial freedom, for example more so now than ever, and more than rich, wealthy, billionaire, anything like that Because I believe that financial freedom really describes the feeling that we want to experience. And also I hear an echo Financial freedom also can be defined by each of us differently, and I like that.

Speaker 2:

I like that we get to define, because we're all choosing to be conscious creators. We can choose how we want to define financial freedom in our lives. And then I say feel, act and be, because that is part of the methodology and the method that I created, which I'll tell you about in just a little bit. And then, healer, I have discovered that I've been going through a process of self-healing and I'm a believer that we are all healers, and so the issue or problem or challenge of not being or feeling or acting financially free has to do with us not yet healing our money story. When we heal our money stories, when we heal how we feel about our relationship with money, we can surpass it, overcome it and we can have a different relationship and we can rewrite and recreate that story. And then, of course, the author, because I'm actually writing still today, this book which currently the title is Money Scripting 90 Days to Rewriting your Money Story. And I say currently because once it's published by Hay House, they have the rights to change the title.

Speaker 1:

So that is my title. I think it's great. Money Scripting is a great name. I love that.

Speaker 2:

So can you share a little bit about your?

Speaker 1:

background and what led you to where you are today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so interestingly enough, I was raised in poverty, very poor, and I mean for those of you that know about this. First of all, I was raised in the government projects of Newark, new Jersey. These were the first among the first in the United States that were created by the government after the depression era. And I was so poor. Not only did we have to live in government subsidized housing because my father left us, but we also had to get in a line to collect government cheese. I don't know if people know that, but back then the government used to have several food items that they would give to poor families, but you had to get on a line and my mom would send us to get on this line.

Speaker 2:

And just to show you more how poor we were, even though it was government subsidized housing, when we left Puerto Rico out of a very abusive relationship that my mom had, my brother and I who were youngsters I was 12 and he was 14, we visited a friend of my mom's who lived in this government subsidized complex, this building, and she told us. She told my mom well, there's actually an apartment next door to us, maybe you could apply. There was a huge waiting list at that time for families to get these apartments. So my mom told my brother and I why don't you guys get out the window and jump from this apartment, which was on the third floor, to the next and open the door and let us in so we can start living there? And that's what we did her best friend's house to the next. We broke the window and we opened the apartment and we were what it was called squatters.

Speaker 2:

Wow, and because my mom was a single mom with three little kids, they did not throw her out and after three months they allowed us to legally stay there and it took three months for her to have the paperwork. Now, just so that you can understand how poor we were, my mom taught us how to look through the garbages of what we call rich people, which were just normal working class people, so that we can get every piece of furniture and everything that was in our house. We gather that by going through other people's garbage and we did that at the tender age of 12. And my brother was 14. My sister was a lot younger. She's five years younger than me, so that's just to give you an idea of where I came from.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty poor, yeah, so you've overcome that right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, thankfully, and I'll tell you that I wish I can tell you that I'm cured, and I say that because sometimes people think that you can get cured and you can to a certain degree, and those demons can come back with different triggers. So the only cure is awareness and consciousness. If there was to be a cure and that is something that you already possess that you can choose to be more aware and more conscious. That is the only cure for living day-to-day successfully as a successful entrepreneur, business person. So from that I went to college, because someone else in that government subsidized complex was actually working at a college and she helped me get in there. And I got in there and I remember being there and I discovered that a lot of people did not live in government subsidized housing. A lot of my friends did not live in these ugly, dirty brick buildings. A lot of people lived in beautiful homes, houses and believe it, I say it like that because really I didn't know any different. You know, I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

I had a few people friend me and invite me to their home and I started seeing these beautiful homes and I remember that was the first time that I visited this neighborhood and one of my friend's house. It was at the end of the cul-de-sac. I never forget that word because I had never heard the word cul-de-sac before. And I asked what does that mean, cul-de-sac? And she said well, it's the house at the end of the street, you know, and it was like a circular cul-de-sac. And I remember saying to myself when I was young, in college, before the age of 21, oh my goodness, when I get to live on a house, I want it to be at the end of the cul-de-sac. And you know what, dionne? What? My first home was at the end of a cul-de-sac Of course it was.

Speaker 1:

That's so cool. You manifested that a long time ago, didn't you?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it took me. Well, I can tell you that I started college immediately after high school, when I was 18, and I went to college until 21. I bought that house at the age of 28.

Speaker 1:

That's really cool. So you've had some tough times. Yeah, so can you give us, if I was your client and we were working together from the first day, what is one thing you could give to me to help me get through the barrier of money?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, I know that you're a student of Think and Grow Rich, right? Yes, well, interestingly enough, I used to read Think and Grow Rich every year, and I say I used to because for the past two years I really haven't read it from one side to the other, and that is because the Think and Grow Rich book was one of the impetus that motivated my writing my own book. During the pandemic, my husband and I had a conversation. I was like oh, I want to switch things up from just doing the marketing and training people on marketing to more of what's been going on in my mindset and my consciousness and my spirituality. And he said to me well, why don't you write a book like that Think and Grow Rich book that you read every year? I told him.

Speaker 2:

I said you know, my biggest problem with Think and Grow Rich is that I think about it too much and thinking, you know, thinking. I think myself into things and I think myself out of things. Now I want to just say I want to quote one of the quotes from Think and Grow Rich the subconscious mind makes no distinction between constructive and destructive impulses. Thought impulses it works with the material. We feed it through our thoughts, thought impulses, the subconscious mind will translate it into reality. Okay, we know that because we have read that in Think and Grow Rich. And so it says here just as the reality, as if we translate it through driven by courage or faith. So, driven by courage or faith. So when he said that, I said Okay, if I were going to redo this in my life and write this book. Because then he said, you know, write a book. And I said it would have to be about feeling and feeling good so that I can get away from my thinking. And you know, it's interesting because now research, there's a lot of research by psychologists and psychiatrists and people that are studying cognitive behavioral science about, you know, thinking and feeling, and which one proceeds and one is more important than the other and they're equal.

Speaker 2:

You know, and that's what led me to my book, which is the money scripting method, has three steps F, a, b. The first step is to feel so right now. The question is how do I choose to feel right now? We choose to feel good, right. When a not so good feeling comes, I can ask myself how do I want to feel right? Similarly, when we're manifesting our financial freedom, we want to either recall an instant when we felt really good, or we want to visualize what it will vibration to the emotion, to the feeling. The second step is to act. We want to act, we want to take a line and inspired action, and we also want to act as if we are already financially free.

Speaker 2:

Now, what does that mean?

Speaker 2:

If I believe and if I think that being financially free means feeling content, right, feeling happy, feeling satisfied, not complaining, then those are the feelings that I want to intend on feeling every minute of every day.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so the actions could be as little as practicing the FAB money scripting method every day, consciously choosing and here's another C word choosing and committing to consciously creating how I want to feel and act. And then B the more that we feel like that, the more that we act as if, the more that we are going to be, become and believe, which is the B in the FAB money scripting, and then money scripting is a very specific way of scripting. Money scripting and then money scripting is a very specific way of scripting. It is scripting intentionally about money and the money that you want to create, and so that is, in a very short way, my definition of the FAB money scripting and I could actually send you a blog once I finished writing it because, part of my course, I wrote it. And then I said I'm going to write a blog where I make the distinction between journaling scripting and the FAB money script which are all different, by the way and get you different results.

Speaker 1:

So do you have a mentor? Is there someone that you studied under to get to where you are today, or do you believe in coaching?

Speaker 2:

I totally believe in coaching. I totally believe in mentors, and I wish I can tell you I have just one, but I don't. I have several different parts of my business, some that I pay and some that are free, some that have become my friends and some that are just strictly business. But I don't have one, I have many. I mean, I consider Louise Hay, who created Hay House, one of my mentors. You know, I met her before she passed. I consider Dr Wayne Dyer, who I met twice and I have two pictures with him, was a great mentor. He's no longer here and I didn't pay him to be my mentor, but I consider him one of my mentors. So I have many mentors and coaches and I am a mentor and coach to many people too. I believe in the concept and really a lot of different mentors and coaches have helped me to get here today.

Speaker 1:

So if you were just starting out in business, do you recommend doing it, do I?

Speaker 2:

recommend doing what? Having a coach Absolutely, I absolutely recommend, yes, I absolutely recommend that of any kind.

Speaker 1:

I've been in real estate for 20 years and I've had a coach for now 17 of my 20 years. I've had some type of coach not all real estate coach, but I had a lot of real estate coaches because that was my industry but mindset coach, life coach. I haven't had a money coach yet, but I probably could use that how about this. Here I am. I manifested you.

Speaker 2:

Well, definitely you did, and I want you to know that I understand. I love the real estate business. I want you to know that I started in the real estate business when I was 18. That's how I was able to get my first home. I was a real estate broker. I've since let go of my license, but I love, love real estate. I love investing in real estate, so I definitely want to stay connected with you.

Speaker 1:

For sure. That's really cool. There's a lot of people in real estate it's definitely a dynamic industry and personalities of all types that are real estate agents. So I think one important subject I want to talk about is daily habits. So how do you keep yourself on point? Do you do something? You have morning routine and night routine.

Speaker 2:

So for those, of you who are listening, I'm going to ask that you either watch the replay or listen to the replay and or take out your notebook or pen or something to write with or whatever. Here are what I call. You want to call them routine. This is what I call my morning retreat. So I want to invite you to understand that you are deserving and worthy of a morning and an evening retreat. What I call the morning and evening retreat are about five minutes in the morning and night where you decide to retreat from the outside noise or the inner noise to go deep within. Some people call it to your higher self. I like to call it to your fabulous, financially free future self. Love that, yes, and you mentioned habits. You know, in my book I quote two of the big guys that talk about habits, and one of them says that a habit is not a habit. It stops being a habit when you stop doing it. So a habit is something that you consciously decide to do every single day. So it is important that we make and I want you to write this word commitment, the commitment to consciously create the chapter of your day, and you do that by doing the morning retreat five minutes in the morning and five minutes at night taking a notebook or a journal. Listen, I have beautiful journals and now here in Florida is back to school and I bought some of these notebooks and I write in it. Keep it next to your bed if you can, or if you want to use the habit formula. You know the habit. Experts say to develop a new habit, pair it up with an existing habit, but what I do is I keep a notebook next to my bedside right when I wake up in the morning. It's right there. Now. The way that I started that, however, was I kept it by my bedside, I would put it under my arm, I would walk over to the kitchen to make my coffee or tea and while that was brewing I would take it up and start writing. So the FAB money scripting method of manifesting financial freedom is us consciously writing what we want to see happen in our day. So, for example, if you have a prospect, let's say for real estate, that says I want to talk to you about the possibility of selling my property, you wake up in the morning and you say today I am meeting with Evie. Evie has a million dollar view that she's selling for a bargain. This is real, by the way, for half of that, and I've seen her videos and I think she's ready now to use a realtor. It is my intention to show Evie today how I am the one and that's it. That's your intention and you wrote it and you want to feel that. You want to feel that Then, when you go to see Evie, that's me. You want to act as if it's a done deal. So, evie, I'm so glad you called me.

Speaker 2:

I have been thinking that I'm going to have a property overlooking the water in Aventura, just like yours. And here you are and believe it. Be it, be that. Be my agent, represent of me. Talk to me Not like you're trying to get my business, but that you know that this is a done deal. And, edie, what are you going to do after you sell? Where are you going to move? Where else might I be able to help you find this new place? Talk with the words like this is a done, closed deal, and that's what you do when you're writing it. So the writing of it you know, in Think and Grow Rich and also now in scientific studies, it shows that our mind, our subconscious mind, does not recognize truth or what may not be true, so it doesn't know the difference. So why not write it as truth in our journals today?

Speaker 1:

You're preaching. I love this. It's so good. So one last question I want to ask before we log off Can you share an experience where it seemed like a failure at the time that led to unexpected success or learning opportunity?

Speaker 2:

There are so many. I mean that has happened to me many, many times. I share in the book and I shared actually this morning. You know, when I first moved here, I sold my property and I came to live in Miami-Dade, florida, where I now live, almost 20 years ago and I came with a substantial amount of money because I sold this property that I mentioned to you. I bought it for $200,000. I sold it for $700,000, by the way. So what happened was that I lived alone and I decided to ask someone to live with me a female, my best friend, and at that time we decided to go into the mortgage business, by the way, was my other business that I did and then she wanted to get into another business and asked me to loan her a hundred thousand dollars, for which I did. To this day, she's never paid me back.

Speaker 2:

Now I tell you that because if that had not had happened to me, I probably would not be today speaking about it and about us looking for lessons and really learning from those lessons and really rewriting our money stories and our money traumas. That's why I said we got to heal them so they don't keep happening. So it was a blessing in disguise. It was a painful lesson. We all have to learn about how to be more discerning. You know and have that we all have discernment, the ability to discern between good and maybe not so good. So tune in. When we are conscious creators, we're tuned in and we're aligned with that.

Speaker 2:

So, that was a $100,000 lesson Very expensive. I am grateful because it's gotten me to where I am today.

Speaker 1:

I totally understand that and I love that, and I do feel like we go through things so that we can teach them right and we push through. We get to the other side. You know we're better off. There's always a positive in every negative. We prove it all the time. That was a big one. So I'm impressed. So you push through that and your life is you know where you want it to be now Right, and that's huge for all of our listeners. That's what we want for all of you. So what would be one takeaway that you would like our audience to take away from you today?

Speaker 2:

You can choose today to rewrite your story. It is as simple as grabbing a notebook, and I do suggest that you grab a notebook and a pen versus writing. If you can write, you know and begin writing it and it's very private to you. No one has to know. You know and practice the FAB money scripting Feel like you want to feel and then, every morning, make that decision.

Speaker 2:

Yes, things may happen during the day. Life happens every day. You know, I've had moments when I start with my intention and I get a phone call with bad news that all of a sudden can shift my high energy of the morning. But guess what? I finished that phone call and then I get back into it. I said wait a minute, it's not going to destroy my day. So feel, act and be the way you want to, because you are the creator of your life and you know this is my mission. My mission is really to inspire and empower and that's one of the reasons I don't know if I mentioned to you, but we have a conference that we're doing and can I share it? Yes, please, yes.

Speaker 2:

So it's not live, but it will be live, and this will be a yearly conference. We've had it yearly, but it's had a different name and this year it's called Money Fest Live. Money Fest, that's the best name. Money Fest Live, yes, and so you know. You can Google me and find me on any social media, at EvieDSSpeaks, so you can find me everywhere on social media, at evie ds diaz speaks, and when you find me, you'll find the details and the registration page will be made available. If you really intend on soaring this year, please consider taking a look at money fest live so that you can money fest the money that you are worthy and deserving of manifesting now. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Money fest instead of manifest that is so huge Like.

Speaker 1:

I've never thought of that before. It just clicked in my head. That is amazing. For all of our listeners it's surely been a joy. I hope we had more time today, but we'll bring her back because I think she has a lot of good stuff for all of us. We know if we just affect one person every week, this podcast is a success. Obviously we like to affect more, but we'll start with one. Thank you, evie. I really appreciate you coming on today. I know our time was a little short, but it's been a pleasure.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you, and you know. I want to just say, like my Dr Wayne Dyer, my mentor, used to say you will see it when you believe it, and I always like to remind people of that because your order, it's on its way, Just like when you put an order on Amazon. You know it's on its way. I want to reassure you with certainty. Your order is on its way and you will see it when you believe it. Thank you.

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