Shine On Success
Shine on Success is a dynamic, story-driven podcast where extraordinary entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, and resilient change-makers share their journeys to success, revealing both the challenges and the strategies that led to their breakthroughs. Each episode offers a unique blend of inspiring personal stories, practical business insights, and actionable advice, allowing our guests to connect with an engaged, growth-oriented audience ready to be motivated and uplifted. By joining us, you’ll not only have the opportunity to showcase your expertise and inspire listeners but also to be part of a powerful platform that celebrates ambition, innovation, and the courage to turn dreams into reality.
Shine On Success
Transforming Lives: The Power of Hypnotherapy and Intuition
Welcome to Shine on Success, where we explore the journeys of individuals who have harnessed their experiences to create positive change. I'm your host, Dionne Malush, and today we're thrilled to have Laura Ordile, a master in hypnotherapy, as our guest. With a rich background in neuro-linguistic programming, life coaching, and intuitive abilities, Laura has dedicated her life to helping others achieve their happiest and most successful selves.
In this inspiring episode, Laura shares her journey from intuitive beginnings to mastering hypnosis, illustrating how her unique approach helps individuals overcome trauma, PTSD, and everyday challenges. She discusses the profound impact of addressing root causes and reprogramming the subconscious mind, providing a clearer, more manageable path through life's difficulties. Laura's insights into the subconscious versus conscious mind, and her experiences with overcoming personal struggles, offer valuable lessons for anyone seeking transformation and growth.
Tune in to hear Laura's remarkable story, her methods for achieving deep and lasting change, and her advice for living a fulfilling life. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share Shine On Success to inspire others facing adversity.
Connect with Laura:
- Website: https://lauraordile.com/
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Connect with Dionne Malush
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Welcome to Shine on Success. I'm your host, dionne Malish, and today we have the pleasure of speaking with Laura Ordeal, a master in hypnotherapy who specializes in guiding individuals through transformative life changes. Laura's extensive expertise in neurolinguistic programming, life coaching and intuitive abilities have helped countless clients achieve their happiest, most successful selves. Get ready to be inspired as we dive into Laura's incredible journey and the insights she has to share. Welcome, I was so excited for today. I couldn't wait to get on this call with you. It's so interesting to me what you do and I'm just anxious and ready to get started. So, laura, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Speaker 2:Tell you a little bit about myself, well, in terms of what I do and a little bit of who I am. About myself, well, in terms of what I do and a little bit of who I am I am a mom and grandmother and wife and doggy mom and all those wonderful things. And I am also a master hypnotist and I call myself mentor because I've been through a lot of the things that I try to help people with, and so I think that a mentor is often someone that can walk beside you and understand the road a little bit. Also a professional astrologer and intuitive. That's kind of where I got started. I started with intuition and astrology and then one day I decided, heck, I need to do something really practical. So I dove into hypnosis and that was my really practical move was hypnosis.
Speaker 1:So how long have you been doing that?
Speaker 2:The hypnosis I've been doing about five years so interesting.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about what you do and why.
Speaker 2:Oh, why? Oh, my goodness, why I do it? Because it's so quick and easy. And I think that we so often think that we have to climb this big mountain and kind of put all of this huge effort into everything that we do, and it's really meant to be easier. And I believe, in my opinion, hypnosis is a really wonderful way. It's like kind of opening a door to a tunnel that goes underneath that mountain. So you still get to the same place you want to go, but so much easier. You're still putting effort in, you're still doing the thing, but you're not having to fight the whole way through, and I think that's an incredible thing to do. That's one of the reasons why I do it.
Speaker 1:I love that. I've never heard anyone explain it that way, and it makes sense because I'm always climbing the mountains. Yeah, I mean, I'm constantly climbing, I'm exhausted climbing, so, yeah, I would love to have that path that goes through the mountain. For sure. You've been doing it for five years. Can you tell us, like an example of something that you've done or someone that affected their story?
Speaker 2:Oh, sure, I work with a few different people. One of the groups of people that I work with is people that deal with trauma, ptsd, cptsd, and a lot of people don't realize that a lot of the things that fall under that are probably what someone would just think are everyday things, you know, insomnia, anxiety, ibs. Then it goes into some of the heavier stuff with hypervigilance, ptsd, anger issues, some of those things. So I deal with people but what happens is they come to me and they have all of those things. When we start talking, it's kind of interesting, someone will go well, I have some anxiety. And talking, it's kind of interesting, someone will go, well, I have some anxiety. And then I kind of have a checklist I run through and by the time we get done going through the checklist, we have a little bit of a laundry list of things that they're like oh goodness, yeah, I didn't think about that, that's just my life and I didn't think that that was anything to you know be able to change.
Speaker 2:But what I'm able to do with the work that I do is, instead of going one by one on those things, we go in and we go to what I would call the root, the root issue, the root thing that started way back when that all of this stuff has branched off of, because it's all of the work of our subconscious trying to get our attention, trying to keep us safe, trying to do its job, and sometimes it can be very uncomfortable when it does its job, and so what happens is I go back and, just like maybe with a weed, you know, if you clip off the tops of the weed, the weed grows again more things and but if you go back and get that root and you get everything, then there's nothing to grow off of. So there's nothing there. So it clears this laundry list of symptoms in the sessions that we do. So it's not a one time, one little little thing that we're doing. It's some deep work there and I think it's incredible. It's like magic when I see it happen.
Speaker 1:I'm sure Subconscious versus conscious. You know we talk a lot about that when we're studying Think and Grow Rich and self-development. You know the difference what your subconscious knows and what your conscious knows. So can you give me your description of the two of them?
Speaker 2:Yeah, before we go into that, I just wanted to say real quick the other group of people that I really work with I love that you mentioned Thinking Grow Rich, I know that you do a lot of work with that is entrepreneurs, because entrepreneurs are the ones that get so stuck. I mean, you can't get to the next level and you struggle, and you struggle, and you struggle and it's like what the heck? I'm doing all the things, I'm trying everything, I'm in action, I'm doing all my stuff that I'm supposed to be doing and I'm not getting anywhere. And this is where the subconscious comes in, because, consciously, you're doing all the stuff. You're aware of it, you're aware of what you're doing, you're aware of the things that are going on. So it is, quote unquote, conscious, those conscious actions that you're making.
Speaker 2:The subconscious is like it's like a hard drive on a computer. It's got all of the code that's written in there, it's operating in the background, it's doing all the things. It's basing all of what you want to do on all of this stuff and you've probably dealt with tech, where you know what you want to do can't get it to do what you want it to do. A lot, yes, and that's our brains. You know that we can't get it to do the thing that we wanted to do. We want to make this change and we're going towards the change and all of a sudden we make this left turn, we get pulled back into where we were, or we get stuck and we just can't get going. And that's because there's some line in your coding, in your brain, in that hard drive, that says we're not supposed to do that, we're not going to go that way.
Speaker 2:That's not safe. We can't do that. Here's what we're supposed to do instead, and until we go in and reset that, we clear that little line of code, maybe add something else in to help it, boost in your confidence or boost in the quickness that things get done, or something like that. Until we go in and do that, you're going to keep kind of in that repeating cycle, because that's what's there, that's what was established and that's what your brain is going to continue to operate on?
Speaker 1:Yeah, makes sense. What age do you think that brain is established?
Speaker 2:It kind of varies. You know, I've read a little bit about that and actually from inside the womb you know you're starting to develop and your brain is hearing things and you're starting to get information. And so from the time before you're born until about seven years old-ish is when that base stuff is put into play and you're operating on that for the rest of your life. Does that mean you don't add things in? No, that doesn't mean that. You've got a lot of stuff that gets added in, sometimes good, sometimes not so good, but you still have that base that's there. So if you have something that, let's say, your parents, maybe when you were two years old, had a huge fight about money, that's going to anchor in into that little two-year-old First of all for the little two-year-old. It's going to be a little bit traumatic. It wouldn't be maybe for you in your later years.
Speaker 2:But your parents, these people, big voices, things happening, you know a little bit of a trauma anchor in there and so that's a moment that we anchor in and go okay, connection, something's wrong and what's it about? And even though you may not understand it at that level or you think you don't, you do and it's a line that's put in there that says okay, money can cause arguing, we want to maybe not deal with so much money or there's a money issue that can happen right there. And so little things like that, little things that you've probably heard from parents or from people. Maybe you've even said I try to go back now and go oh my gosh, I wish I hadn't said some of those things to my kids.
Speaker 2:But money is don't be greedy, money is dirty. All of these things, and because of that, because it's this little line item in your hard drive now, now the bus driver is going oh, I'm operating on these coordinates, these GPS things. So if it sees something coming up that's going to be detrimental to you, according to that line item, it's going to swing another way, it's going to go. We can't go that way. We need to go the way we know to go. That's going to keep you safe and okay All right.
Speaker 1:So let's just use that example because it's a great one and I am sure more people than not have had those conversations that they heard as a child. Right, because everyone didn't grow up with silver spoons in their mouths, right? All right, here I am a professional adult. I've been in business for most of my adult life and I'm at a point at 56 where I can't bust through the next level Our company's. At that point we've been same for two years. We're just not pushing forward. So I come to you how would you help me?
Speaker 2:Well, we would sit down and talk about and actually I have a couple different ways.
Speaker 2:I have a main hypnosis program that I do and it's right now about six to seven sessions, which is kind of normal for breaking through just about anything and everything and being able to boost the things. That doesn't mean that it might not happen in session three or it might not happen. You know, we need to add a session at session eight. I'm also doing some work now that allows me to kind of do a powerhouse version of that, where we do an eight to nine hour day and we work through and do some of that or also break it up into two half days. So really concentrated, really intense work that can be done there. But what we would do is we would sit down, have a conversation about what you do want to happen, maybe what you feel about what's happening, and then we go in and start the process and we do a little bit of a getting to know you session that I call negativity clearing and so it kind of sets you up for a nice experience with hypnosis, because a lot of people have questions and concerns and are really nervous the first time they have hypnosis and their brain is going wild. You know it's like, oh my gosh, am I doing it wrong? What if I think about my laundry? What if I think about the dogs? What if the dogs bark? Oh no, have all that going on. And so we go through that first session to go all right. Now you know what it's going to be like. Now it's okay, and now we're going to go on and do the really deep and intense work and we go in and I chat with you. I'm kind of a tour guide. You don't have to tell me you know your deep, dark secrets or anything like that. Of course I love when people share with me the things that come up for them and we can talk about it or do those things. But I take you into hypnosis and to the place where maybe that root is, so that you can have the conversation with your subconscious that says, hey, let's come together, let's join back together, let's make things good, let's reset things here and let's clear the way ahead.
Speaker 2:Because oftentimes, what those little moments are back in time like I talked about that little two-year-old having that little anchor point Well, what happens is our subconscious comes in and it creates a little tiny version of us that says I've got you, you know, a little armored version comes out, protects you. You move on. Five years later you're in school and you get bullied. Another little version comes out I've got you, and you move on, and so it's like those little dolls that fit into each other.
Speaker 2:We've got a lot of little versions of ourselves anchored in in points that maybe were difficult for us, but if we can go back to that original one nine times out of 10 or 9.99, we can clear all the way through If there's another one in there or another situation, absolutely we can do that too. But what we do is we go back and we say, okay, let's connect what happened, what's going on, because that little version of you sometimes they get stuck and they stay in that trauma, in the anger, in the sadness, in the fear, in something, and so what can happen there oftentimes is a person will develop a way of being in their life of kind of a reaction from that original little anchor Might be anxiety might be, anger might be. It's the fight, flight, freeze thing, and once you develop that, you, for the most part, stick to that in how you go through life. So oftentimes, though, someone will say I've always had anxiety. I don't remember when I didn't have anxiety. You know that's from that little thing that happened there. And now you've established the anxiety trail that's gonna be there for you.
Speaker 2:Or what can happen is you have these little markers through time and then all of a sudden it's like I guess you say the straw that broke the camel's back, there's something that flips a switch and those little parts of you inside say that's it, we can't do it anymore, we cannot hold anymore. It's just broken. And so that's oftentimes when you'll see people that say it just came out of nowhere. All of a sudden I'm having panic attacks, or all of a sudden I have IBS I don't know what happened. I have chronic fatigue, things like that that all of a sudden, out of the blue, these things have shown up. That's the little part of you that says we're not doing this anymore. It's time to work this out. It's time.
Speaker 1:So I was on a call, a podcast actually, the other day and we were talking about you know my whole life and he went through this whole thing and said you know, did you write down all the things about your life? And I did, and I had this list of papers of things that happened and they were all bad. And he said why did you write down all the bad things? Is that? And even though I'm positive and I'm happy and I'm trying to get through a loss of my father, which has been horrible, but I'm putting on a good face, right, I'm letting the public see the good of it because I want to make sure people understand that I can still continue to lead a company of 200 people even though I'm going through something traumatic.
Speaker 1:But what you're saying to me makes a lot of sense because it's all coming together, because every call I'm on is pushing me to the right direction, of where you know the next phase of my life is going the negativity clearing. I love that and because I study this all the time, you can't think negative and positive at the same time. So if you're going to focus on negative all day long, that's what you're going to continue to get and it happens. So I guess my one question to you is what defining moment in your life made you want to do this for your career, like, what was it that happened that you said I really want to help people with hypnotherapy, with the NLP? What happened to make you want to do this?
Speaker 2:Well, I loved some of the work I was doing before. I love working intuitively, I love astrology. I think astrology is so useful and can guide people in so many ways and it was a wonderful way to guide them. But they had to really be the person to kind of take the action. They had to do the thing, and even in coaching I could encourage them let's do this or let's do that or let's try this. And it kind of started seeping in in different ways and started, as things always do, it catches your attention.
Speaker 2:I think somebody in a group once said something about doing hypnosis and I was like, and of course I thought what a lot of people do, kind of stage hypnosis, you know, let's cluck like a chicken hypnosis, and it wasn't that at all, and so it just kind of kept showing up and kept showing up and I finally thought, okay, there's something here. And so, as I dove into it a little bit, one particular gentleman, the main person that I trained with, had worked with people in the military and in armed forces and in the police and in things like that, and he worked with people in a way that it didn't matter that they couldn't discuss the things that they. You know they couldn't tell you. It's called content free, obviously it's. They just come to you and they're not allowed to talk to you about some of those things. And I have done talk therapy in my life and I have my list of issues, too, that I've done and sometimes it drove me crazy. It has its place. It's wonderful. Sometimes you need to talk to somebody, sometimes you need a third person in a relationship, whatever it is, but sometimes talking about talking about talking about talking about doesn't get you there.
Speaker 2:When I heard that and I also heard that you didn't have to discuss all of the things, so I don't have to know about some of those really difficult things that maybe you don't want to share in order to help you and I thought that was incredible, and I also have a military family and police connections and things like that in my family and things like that. So, knowing that that was possible, I have always had a heart to help those people. I just didn't know how and when that came up it was like, oh, if I could do that and help those people through to be able to get whole again and feel good about themselves in a way to go forward. Wow, I want to do that and so I did. And then I actually, about a year ago, found someone that I almost didn't engage with but I did, and I'm so, so grateful that I did, because that was the last kind of puzzle piece in that.
Speaker 2:For me, it was specific trauma training, ptsd, cptsd and when I started listening and learning more about the symptoms themselves, that so many people have the symptoms of it, that they deal with things that are just what they call normal life now, but it doesn't have to be that way and that nobody is ever so broken that they can't be healed and helped, yeah, I dove in. I dove right into that.
Speaker 1:I love that and I'm thankful that you're on this call with me today. So the point of my show is to talk about how we get through adversity to the other side. So can you tell me a pivotal moment in your life where you were going through adversity and push through by using your techniques, or not Like maybe just your inner strength?
Speaker 2:Oh goodness, oh goodness. I well with hypnosis actually. Yeah, I will tell you and I'll be flat out honest with you. It came to a point where I have drinking is an interesting thing for me, alcohol is an interesting thing.
Speaker 2:I've gone through where I didn't drink at all for a very long time. That was just how I was. Then I drank a little bit for a while and then I didn't, and then I got to a point in my life where I was drinking too much. I was unhappy. I was in a corporate job and it showed in all of the most difficult ways and alcohol was one of them for me. I would come home and before I even had like my work boots off, I would, you know, pour some wine. It was like that was what I had to do and it was not healthy or happy and it was causing some issues and for me and my relationships and in my shopping habits, online shopping can be detrimental with a few glasses of wine, but I know how it is without wine, so I can imagine how it is with-.
Speaker 2:You know it's like, oh okay, I bought that, All right, there we go. But anyway, I just knew in my body, my body started reacting really badly. I would drink white wine for a long time and I started getting these huge bumps in my mouth and I was like, but I wasn't ready to give up wine, and so I'm like I kind of switched to red and then I could drink red without the bumps and then the red, the bumps, started to come back and my body was telling me, hey, are you going to do something about this? Because we're not liking how much this is going on for you. And I still didn't.
Speaker 2:And then, finally, I'm like I kind of want to drink less, but I didn't say I didn't want to drink at all because I was afraid of giving up something. I don't want to say I'm never going to do this again. That was too much. But, uh, I worked with a hypnotist and I came to the point at one point and he said to me I said I really liked to less and I really like to do this. And he said, okay, wow, all right, and and that helped me so much, so much Do I still have a drink every now and then.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:But I don't have to come home and have a glass of wine, whiskey or whatever it was that I want, and it really helped me move through it, because I was struggling with kind of just stepping away from it and then I would feel guilty when I would step back in and I would drink too much and show up and all those things and I couldn't do my business and my work with that kind of hanging on with me. It just didn't. It didn't feel good and right. I was not at my best and I knew that I needed to change something and I'm trying to help people change something and I thought, well, I got to change this for me first, and so I dove in and it worked incredibly.
Speaker 1:So you love it, and that's what I feel with my own company. I have to if I'm going to talk about positivity and helping other people with their mindset and pushing through to the next level and all the things that I know. I have to live it right, so I can't just talk it. A lot of people do that. They spend their career talking about it and they don't get where they're going any faster. I mean, they might at the end, but right now I know one thing If I lived to my true self and I share my true self they're going to get the very best version of me. Now am I going to have heartache? Yes, have I? Yes, I have a lot of anchors. Yes, and to be honest with you, I've actually went through hypnotherapy years and years ago, but I just didn't think about it anymore that I needed it. But maybe I do. Maybe it's time that I need it again. I have a lot of things that have happened in the course of 56 years.
Speaker 1:So you know, for everyone out there listening, do you realize the power of your subconscious mind? Because it is amazing what you can do with your mind. So I was on something the other day. We talked about the brain and the mind. You know they're two different things. People say, oh, my brain, but it's different your mind. And then you have your subconscious mind and your conscious mind. There's just a lot of interesting stuff. If you ever read the book the Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy by any chance. Yes, yes, yes, interesting. That's interesting when he does the plastic surgery. If people have plastic surgery done and they look in the mirror and they don't see, they see the old person instead of the new person and you know that explains a lot about plastic surgery actually if you read it and understand the person. So let's talk about you and mentors, do you?
Speaker 2:have a mentor that you've had in your career. I had a few mentors and they've been really helpful in a lot of the different things that I've done. I think in each area that I've studied through the work that I did, someone brought me to the place of understanding what it was Like when I did intuition, when I wanted to really know. Is this a thing you know, or is it just like those moments, those little flashes that come, or can it be useful? Can it be something that you use? And I found an amazing book by Laura Day and it's called Practical Intuition. I went through that book. It's got exercises and as I did it it was like, oh my goodness, this is real. And then she has several other books and I think I've read all of her books, maybe not one of them. And then I did do some mentoring with her and some training with her, and so she mentored me. And then in astrology, deborah Silverman was an amazing mentor.
Speaker 2:I always thought astrology was so crazy, overwhelming and so much that I could never. It was always fascinating and interesting, but the way some people talk about it is like that's like another language. I don't know what you're talking about. And she brought it back into the simplicity. You know, something I found over the years is the simpler you can make something, the better it is, because it's meant to be simple so that it can be grasped, and when people make things difficult, it's just their way of trying to make it something more. I guess that's what I would say.
Speaker 1:You have a favorite quote or anything that guides you, or is there something that you practice that helps you get through a bad day?
Speaker 2:It helps me get through a bad day. One of the things I came to realize and that was a very pivotal moment I guess you talked about pivotal moments For me with the huge the biggest change I saw with hypnosis and with the work that I've done for myself is that I feel okay, it doesn't matter what's going on around me. That doesn't mean I don't have stressful days or I have those moments of oh no, here comes that huge bill. Why did that have to happen? Or eek, you know we're always meant to have that. I would never take that away from anyone. That's being human, so I wouldn't want it to go away for me either. But I'm able to go. Okay, don't like that. How do we move on? What do I do from here? And so it's a very centered feeling of being okay and I often tell other people you're already okay and we're going to get you to where you recognize it, because we are Most of the time, we're already okay. So that's a big one for me.
Speaker 1:That's a really big one for everyone. It makes sense. What's a big takeaway that you hope that the listeners of our show will learn from you today?
Speaker 2:That you're not doing it wrong you might just need to clear a few things and that you're never, ever so lost or broken that you can't get where you want to go. You just not. You don't have to live with it and you don't have to find a way around it. You don't have to do any of that. You can get where you want to be quickly, easily and completely. It can be done.
Speaker 1:No matter what. No matter what. So, if our listeners would like to reach out to you, what's the best way?
Speaker 2:Oh goodness, I'm a little bit of everywhere. They can go to my website at lauraordealcom and it's L-A-U-R-A-O-R-D-I-L-Ecom. Looks like Laura Ordeal, but it's Laura Ordial, and I'm under my name on most of the social medias I think on Facebook, tiktok, instagram and YouTube, and I have a free group on Facebook called the Change Gang and I also have a podcast called the Change Gang. That's out there. So happy to have you there.
Speaker 1:The Change Gang. That's really good. Yeah, thank you for sharing your remarkable journey with us and your valuable insights. It's been my pleasure for sure, so don't forget everyone to like, subscribe and share Shine On Success with anyone you know who's going through adversity. If we could just help one person, the podcast is a success. Thank you, laura, thank you.